Friday, 23 November 2012

Our Tudor Walk

Hi, This is Beech Class. On Wednesday 21st of November, we went on a walk through Shrewsbury Town to look at Tudor Houses. We were identifying Tudor and Mock Tudor houses, but there were lots of both. Fish Street and Butchers Row were quite close together and they sold fish and meat (It must have been very stinky!) When Elizabeth I came she decided to paint the wattle and daub white, because she didn't like brown! In 'Bear Steps', bears and dogs had fights. We saw lots of different houses, some were built by rich people, some by poor. Grope Lane is very close together because of the jetty's sticking out of the houses. We found out that they built Shrewsbury Castle, because of the battle of Bosworth and the Monarch wanted to protect England

Written by Millie, Alex, Freya and D'arcy